Build instructions:
You need the following to rebuild JFileUpload. It doesn't require any IDE such as Eclipse or NetBeans.
  1. JDK 1.5 (or higher) installed.
    You can download it for free at:
  2. ANT 1.7 (or higher) installed.
    You can download it for free at:
  3. setenv.bat variables updated.
    Update JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME (according to your installations above) in setenv.bat windows script file that comes with the source code package. For instance:
      SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_03
      SET ANT_HOME=C:\ant1.7
  4. Keystore* parameters updated in build.xml.
    You need to update build.xml that comes with source code package with your keystore details. You need keystore filename, the password that protects the keystore and the key alias that matches to your code signing certificate:
      <property name="jkspassword" value="yourpassword" />
      <property name="jkskeystore" value="yourfile.pfx" />
      <property name="jksalias" value="youralias" />
    The build script assumes that keystore is in PKCS12 format. If you have a keystore in JKS format then just remove all occurrences of storetype="PKCS12" in build.xml.
Once the four steps above are completed, then you're ready to rebuild the applet from sources and sign the generated binaries. To do so, open a command line and execute:
  • cd c:\something\yoursourcecodepackage
  • setenv.bat
  • ant all
  • ant sign

Then ready-to-use JARs are generated under dist/lib folder.

*Note: Keystore is a file where you have your key + X509 certificate to sign the applet. You can generate such file with keytool.exe included in JDK. For instance, here is the command allowing to generate a self signed key/certificate:
"keytool.exe -genkey -alias youralias -keyalg rsa -keystore yourfile.pfx -validity 365 -storetype pkcs12"

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