JS3Upload + JImageUpload + JImageFilter install

Amazon S3 upload add-on.
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JS3Upload + JImageUpload + JImageFilter install

Post by fabian »


Do you have a sample implementation where JS3Upload + JImageUpload + JImageFilter is chained?

Kind regards


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Re: JS3Upload + JImageUpload + JImageFilter install

Post by support »

Yes, here are instructions and samples to make JFileUpload + JImageFilter + JImageUpload + JS3Upload work together:

1 - Download JFileUpload
2 - Download JImageFilter
3 - Download JImageUpload
4 - Download JS3Upload

5 - Put all JARs from lib/ folders of JS3Upload, JImageUpload, JImageFilter under lib/ folder of JFileUpload. That's you have:
You can remove cnet.jar and ftpimpl.jar

6 - Put the following files in the parent folder of lib/
Sample HTML + JavaScript + .properties files
(6.81 KiB) Downloaded 1935 times
It's a sample based on POST upload support for S3.

7 - Update all parameters where you have xxxxxxxxxx such as your s3bucket, s3policy ...
You can use the online S3 policy generator:
http://www.jfileupload.com/products/js3 ... rator.html

8 - Try it.
I've tested this sample with one of my S3 bucket and it works fine. I'm able to preview images in JImageUpload, then scale then through JImageFilter and finally upload to S3 bucket. See screenshot below:
S3 upload with JImageUpload UI
(19.37 KiB) Downloaded 294 times
Please let me know if it helps.

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Re: JS3Upload + JImageUpload + JImageFilter install

Post by fabian »


Thank you :-) I will play around with it early next week and report back to you.

Have a nice weekend


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Re: JS3Upload + JImageUpload + JImageFilter install

Post by fabian »


Thank you for the samlpe code. It seems to be working just fine :-)
I does however not work together with s3upload.jar BETA 2.2 ... guess that there is some internal dependency that needs to be updated in order for the other jars files to be working with beta version of s3upload.jar

Kind regards


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Re: JS3Upload + JImageUpload + JImageFilter install

Post by support »

Yes, the 2.2 Beta won't work. If you need an overall 2.2 beta solution to work then I could provide it if you purchase the applet. Or you need to wait for the official 2.2.

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Re: JS3Upload + JImageUpload + JImageFilter install

Post by anandkp »

The attached zip file "upload-image-scale-s3.zip" is corrupt and I'm not able to unzip it after download.
Can anyone share the scripts for this case please.

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