- Parameters -

Here is the list and the meaning of JS3Upload extra parameters. They can be setup in JavaScript/HTML or through Menu -> S3 -> Settings

JS3Upload extra parameter
Properties Description and sample
s3bucket This parameter allows to select S3 bucket name. For instance:
<PARAM NAME="param2" VALUE="s3bucket">
<PARAM NAME="value2" VALUE="myownbucket">
s3acl This parameter allows to select ACL for objects uploaded in bucket. Values could be "private", "public-read", "public-read-write", "authenticated-read". Default is "private"
s3bucketcreation This parameter allows to send a bucket creation request before uploading. Default is "false". Use "ifneeded" to make the applet checks if bucket exists before attempting to create it.
s3bucketcreationacl Same as s3acl parameter but for bucket creation.
s3bucketlocation This parameter allows to define if bucket is located in US or not. Values could be "EU", "us-west-1" and "ap-southeast-1". "EU" means Europe (Ireland), "us-west-1" means US West (Northern California), "ap-southeast-1" means Asia (Singapore) and "ap-northeast-1" means Asia (Tokyo). Empty value means US standard. See Amazon S3 documentation to learn more.
awsaccesskeyid This parameter defines your AWSAccessKeyID used to identify your AWS account.
awssecretkey This parameter defines your AWSSecretKey used to digitally sign S3 request. It is NOT recommended to setup it as applet parameter. Dependind on your needs, you should use s3policy and s3signature parameters instead or awssignurl for remote signature.
s3policy This parameter allows to setup a form policy for upload request.
s3signature This parameter allows to pass the signature matching to the s3policy.
s3securitytoken This parameter allows to pass x-amz-security-token header for S3 requests. It can be used for DevPay support.
s3storageclass This parameter allows to pass x-amz-storage-class header for S3 PUT and POST requests. It can be used for Reduced Redundancy Storage when value is REDUCED_REDUNDANCY
s3serverencryption This parameter allows to pass x-amz-server-side-encryption header for S3 PUT and POST requests. It can be used for Amazon Server Side Encyption when value is AES256.
s3contentdisposition This parameter allows to enable Content-Disposition for further download as attachment.
<PARAM NAME="param3" VALUE="s3contentdisposition">
<PARAM NAME="value3" VALUE="true">
awssignurl This parameter allows to pass an URL where S3 signatures will be generated. It is more secure for HTTP PUT upload by avoiding awssecretkey in JS3Upload.
<PARAM NAME="param3" VALUE="awssignurl">
<PARAM NAME="value3" VALUE="https://server.com/sign.php">
JS3Upload will issue HTTP POST request with "str" parameter including the string to sign. It expects S3 signature in response payload. A sample sign.php script is available here.

A few JS3Upload parameters could be setup in applet such as <PARAM NAME="" VALUE="">.

JS3Upload regular parameters
Parameters Description and sample
url This parameter allows to setup Amazon S3 server. Default is http://s3.amazonaws.com for REST upload. It should not be modified except for HTTPS with https://s3.amazonaws.com. For SOAP upload, it should be http://s3.amazonaws.com/soap
checksum This parameter allows to compute MD5 hash and make it checks by S3.
<PARAM NAME="checksum" VALUE="md5">
mode This mandatory parameter allows to select S3 API to upload file.
For REST PUT upload :   
For REST POST upload:
For SOAP upload:
uihelper This parameter is mandatory. It defines implementation of the S3 settings panel: jfileupload.transfer.client.s3design.S3UIHelper
uihelperresources This parameter allows to setup JS3Upload settings panel properties.
<PARAM NAME="uihelperresources" VALUE="i18n_helper_s3">
resume This parameter allows enabling resume support based on multipart S3 feature. It needs REST PUT mode, chunksize, chunkmode and preferences to be enabled too. Minimum part size required is 5MB. Here are all parameters for resume:
<PARAM NAME="resume" VALUE="true">
<PARAM NAME="chunksize" VALUE="5242880">
<PARAM NAME="chunkmode" VALUE="onflyrange">
<PARAM NAME="preferences" VALUE="true">
Also, you need to uncomment progress.bar.upload.option=chunkratio in i18n_bar_s3.properties
encoding This parameter is mandatory. It encoded string in UTF8 when needed.
<PARAM NAME="encoding" VALUE="UTF8">

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