- FAQ -

Basic setup
  • How to setup JBatchUpload ?
    JBatchUpload includes two sample files :
    For FTP : applet_ftp_batchupload.html + applet_ftp_batchupload.js
    for HTTP : applet_http_batchupload.html + applet_http_batchupload.js.
    Edit and modify parameters in the file matching to your need.
  • JBatchUpload fails to load (gray box with red cross) ?
    You must install JFileUpload first. Then you have to follow installation instructions above (copy batchui.jar under lib/ folder ...).
  • JBatchUpload installation is fine but it still fails to load ?
    Are you using a Microsoft IIS web server ? If so, you need to allow .properties file serving by enabling ".properties" extension to "text/plain" mime-type. This issue is already explained in JFileUpload FAQ.
  • How to internationalize JBatchUpload resources (messages, errors , ...) ?
    In the same way as you can internationalize JFileUpload resources through i18n_bar.properties and i18n_pane.properties.
Advanced setup
  • How to remove the "date" column ?
    Edit i18n_pane.properties and comment the queue.table.column.date.title property. You just have to replace:
    Close all browser windows and try again. The date column should not be displayed anymore. You can do the same for size parameter if needed.
  • How to switch to native look and feel ?
    Edit i18n_bar.properties and uncomment the following property:
  • How to disable tooltips ?
    Edit i18n_pane.properties and comment the following property:
  • How to remove the queue table header ?
    Edit i18n_pane.properties and uncomment the following property:
  • How to add time remaining and transfer speed info ?
    Yes, edit i18n_bar.properties and uncomment the following properties:
      #progress.info.label=Time remaining : {0}h {1}m {2}s ({3} KB/s)
  • How to have transfer speed without time remaining info ?
    Same as question above but just replace progress.info.label with:
      progress.info.label=Transfer speed: {3} KB/s
  • Can I add a background image ?
    Yes, edit i18n_pane.properties and uncomment the following property:
    dnd.jpg is your background image. It must be in the same folder as .properties.
Integration with others add-ons
  • Can I use JImageFilter add-on with JBatchUpload ?
    Yes, here are instructions:
    1 - Add scaling.properties under the same folder as HTML/JavaScript of applet.
    2 - Add ifilter.jar under lib/ folder (with others JARs files).
    3 - Enable JImageFilter in the JavaScript:
         <PARAM NAME="filter" VALUE="jfileupload.upload.client.filter.ImageFilter">
         <PARAM NAME="filterproperties" VALUE="scaling.properties">
    4 - Optionally, update the following properties into i18n_bar.properties:
           progress.bar.upload.filter.started=Filtering to {0} ...
           progress.bar.upload.filter.completed=Filtering completed
           progress.bar.upload.filter.failed=Filtering failed {0}
  • Can I use JFileUpload with your PHP sample script add-on ?
    Yes, for best integration add the following extra parameter:
         <PARAM NAME="param5" VALUE="errorheader">
         <PARAM NAME="value5" VALUE="custommessage">
    If you get 405 error or PHP server error for file > 1.5MB then make sure you've updated the script to increase the $max_size value.
  • Can I use JBatchUpload Pro with JFileUpload Enterprise ?
    No, JBatchUpload Pro works with JFileUpload Pro only. JBatchUpload Enterprise requires JFileUpload Enterprise or Premium.

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