Please let us know how to create Pause/Resume button and functionality in Jfileupload HTML version.
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JfileUpload HTML verssionhi
We are try to test the trail version of new jfileupload HTML control. please provide us samples for rendering the parameters from a aspx.cs code. Also URL parameter set is not coming to the Aspx.cs code. Please provide u with a sample. Regards Ajish.j
JfileUpload HTML5 version requiredHi we are licensed users of jfileupload and looking forward to the HTML5 version of the control. Please let us know if JFileUpload html5 version is available now. I can see your demo but this is only jbatchupload i dont want this one. Or we can customize jbatchupload and make it jfileupload. Let us ...
HTTP/1.0 302 Found ErrorHi I am getting HTTP/1.0 302 error while using upload applet website environment contains BIG IP and the ssl certificate is registered in the BIG IP and all the requests pass through this BIG IP in my web server where the site is hosted we have only port 80 opened and in BIG IP port 443 is opened fo...
Re: HTTP/1.1 401 UnauthorizedPlease see the detailed scenario I am using Jfile upload in my application which is in asp.net and it is hosted in IIS 7.5 web server with identity pool set to a local user account and when i upload file using jfileupload it gives me HTTP 1.1/ 401 Unauthorized Error in the file server where the appl...
HTTP/1.1 401 UnauthorizedHi JfileUpload we are getting HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized error while uploading using jfielupload please see the java error logs mentioned below if you need more erorr logs i can send that also please suggest a solution [DEBUG] header - >> "PUT /SIS/upload/AppletFileUpload.aspx?selectedProductID=1273&...
Overwrite existing file functionalityHi, I am using the jFileUpload utility which provides the end users with a pop-up message in case the file being uploaded already exists in the destination folder. If the user clicks "OK" in the pop-up, the upload continues and overwrites the existing file. This overwriting, I believe, considers the...
Re: Server error HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not AllowedI did some more internal logging in my application. I came to know that the first request (for checking if the file exists) is the HTTP HEAD method. It is served properly by the application and appropriate status code is returned. For the next one, which is PUT method, the control does not come to t...
Server error HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not AllowedHi, I recently upgraded my application's DOTNET framework from 2.0 to 4.0 on IIS7 (Windows 2008 server). The upload functionality seems to have been throwing this error since then: Server error HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed This is the Java log that I am getting: Java Plug-in 1.6.0_23 Using JRE ve...
Re: Java security problemI have rechecked the mime types settings. The .properties extention has been mapped to text/plain mime type and Entry Type is local.
I tried looking for commons-logging.properties and simplelog.properties in our complete solution. But could not find one. |