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Re: SocketException issueSolved. Apache server was configured with a keepalive timeout of 2 seconds. I increased it to the default timeout of 5 and it fixed the issue. not sure why this value was OK on other servers, but maybe this info will help someone else someday.
SocketException issueI am not finding anything in the forums or google on this. At least, my version. I have ONE server that will not upload. All others work fine with the same properties file. What do I need to look at in my server config? PHP - Apache - Linux The error happens instantly, even on 15K files. And althoug...
JS error trapping not trapping HTTPUploadTransfer exceptionJava 7 (u13) JFU2.9 I am getting the exception below. Is this supposed to be handled in function JSTransferFailed(errormsg)? It says arttempt 1/3 but never goes past that. I uploaded images already and it always seems to be a hangup on the last one. I am continuing to test (it was working fine earli...
Re: filechooser using auto lookandfeel on MacYou may disregard this. We will be looking into another solution for our Mac users. Aurigma works fine for them.
Re: filechooser using auto lookandfeel on MacAlso, you have not addressed thefact that the preview pane is disabled with this lib. I would think that is an issue on YOUR end?
Re: filechooser using auto lookandfeel on Mac> are you using Lion? Not sure why you ask. I am sure that ONE of our thousands of clients is. PS also getting this. Seems to be on YOUR end? Warning: class ch.randelshofer.quaqua.osx.OSXFile couldn't load library "quaqua64". java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no quaqua64 in java.library.path ... and ....
Re: BUG? No scaling after rotateWas this bug fixed in 2.9?
Re: Regular expression for file chooser.... to be released when?
Re: filechooser using auto lookandfeel on MacWho supports this addon? It has bugs.
#1 - select a dir. suddenly hidden folders are visible. #2 - preview pane is disabled #3 - Using image preview does not open dialogue longer, resulting in a file chooser with only about 2 lines visible.
Re: filechooser using auto lookandfeel on MacJSAPI 2.8a Enterprise