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jDiskExplorer over HTTP

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:04 am
by Puc

I came accross this applet when looking into solutions for allowing uploads into specific folders on my server. I have the applet loading but I cannot get a remote filesystem to show (evaluating the unregistered version at present).
I have notice that there is a CFM file in that came with the package (server-side/cfm - I am using ColdFusion), but I have no idea how to point the applet to the remote filesystem.

Is there a parameter on the applet for setting the remote file system?

Also, in terms of licensing, anyone know what each domain refers to? the url the appet posts to or the domain the applet loads on?

Really appreciate any help on this, I'm very confused.

Re: jDiskExplorer over HTTP

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:30 am
by support
Here are instructions to install HTTP transfer with CFM script available in add-on section:

1 - Copy explorer.cfm, available in server-side/cfm folder, into the same folder including process.cfm.

2 - Edit process.cfm and add the following line just before the "html" line :
<cfinclude template="explorer.cfm">

3 - Edit applet_http_explorer.js and update encoding parameter into
UTF-8 such as <PARAM NAME="encoding" VALUE="UTF-8">

The license refers to the domain where the applet is loaded
(i.e the info available in URL of your browser).

Re: jDiskExplorer over HTTP

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:13 pm
by Puc
Thanks for the help. I now have the remote file system working.

I still have a problem tho, with the display of the file information. It shows the files/folder but the alignment is totally out and the icons/column data is all in the wrong place.

I can see in the CFM explorer file that the output for that pane is seperated by spaces(#type# #filename# etc), is the delimiter a space or should it be something else?

Also when trying to use the account param to specify a home folder, is this a relative path?

Re: jDiskExplorer over HTTP

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:12 pm
by support
account is relative path to root upload directory.
root folder for upload (absolute path) is setup in the process.cfm file:
<cfset upload_dir = "c:/uploads">

For instance, if you want files to be uploaded under c:/uploads/user1 then setup
<PARAM NAME="param4" VALUE="account">
<PARAM NAME="value4" VALUE="user1">

I've tried your testing URL and there is a problem in the "list" command. The returned HTML is not compliant with what the applet expect. There is a lot of unexpected space and empty lines. Did you modify the CFM script ?

Here is the returned HTML from your CFM:

25 File New Text Document (2).txt 1228245489578 0 <br>

21 File New Text Document.txt 1228245489859 0 <br>

4 Dir test 1228245490156 0 <br>

And here is a sample of what is excepted:
file 879822352000 6112 cdenable.sys<br>
file 915752556000 11924 cdenable.vxd<br>
file 810335638000 17976 COPYING<br>
file 921306322000 734720 HFVExplorer.exe<br>
file 1115226317752 0 HFVICONS.DAT<br>
file 921306414000 37132 readme.txt<br>
dir 1228249753037 0 tmp<br>
file 912312834000 193024 vMacLink.exe<br>